Patras Greece

Patras city - Greece

We reached Patras by ferry from Italy. The town itself is an important harbour which links on the one hand Peloponnese - Greece with Italian harbours and on the other hand Ionian islands. Patras is actualy one of the largest cities and the capital of the Achia a region on the north of Peloponnese.

Arive Greece - Patras

There are two parts of the city - upper an lower. Both part of cities are interestenig. The upper city of Patras has number of neoclasical houses which are positioned at the foot of castle. The surrounding of castle is actually a park where from you have a nice view to the city and sea. In the the lower city close the sea lies biger houses like theatre, cathedral or Byzantine church and I almost forget to mention - a huge number of shops, caffes, tavernas and restaurants. The life on the streets and squares is realy lively. There are many youth and young people (because of Patras univesity), travellers, locals, tourists, visitors and transient travellers who waits its transport.

Patras city - Greece Patras city - Greece Patras park - Greece Patras park - Greece Patras quay - Greece Patras quay - Greece Patras shops - Greece Patras shops - Greece Patras shops - Greece Patras shops - Greece Patras shops - Greece Patras squares - Greece

Patras city - GreeceBeaches of Patras - Greece


Lambiri Beach

Only 12 km from the city of Patras is a small beach, which mostly belong to hotel resort. The beach is pebbly, but given the closeness of the hotel it is almost inaccessible. However, the beach and the resort is worth visiting because of the extremely clear water and taverns with excellent seafood.

Patras town beach,

Town beach is very close to the center of Patras and so lively. It is accessible by city bus. At the beach there are many hotels, bars, restaurants and places of entertainment. The beach is ideal for those visitors who want a lively holiday.

Rio - Antirio bridge - Greece Patras where to stay


Patras is not really a city that would be planted with Greek ancient monuments. However, visitors should enjoy a relaxed stroll along the bustling city, refreshment in nearby beaches or take a hike in surrounding area.

One of the attraction out of Patras wich is worth seeing is Rio-Antirio bridge. The bridge is the longest bridge in the world designed on span multi-cable technology. The bridge connecting mainland of Greece and the island of Peloponnese, the connection is also a shortcut to the ancient town of Delphi. Across the bridge you can walk free, for a crossing with a car you have to pay a. At the end of trip you can refresh yourself in one of the cafes or restaurants in the city of Rio.