Cres and Losinj Islands
Cres and Lošinj are separated by the Straits, throughout sails some smaller boats or sailing boats. In fact, the islands are linked with a bridge, which is about 11 meters long.On the map it is even more difficult to find that bridge. And at a first sight it looks that there are two-provinces and not two islands. Cres and Lošinj can be reached by two ferry lines from settlements Valbiska to Merag or also from Brestova to Porozina.
From settlement Porozine to Mali Lošinj you will need about 80 kilometers by car. The roads are fine, but on some section they can be quite narrow.
Losinj bicycle trip in autumn
When some people think on month of October and bicycling they get a little bit shaked from late autumn's cold. But the sun in the island Losinj is even in that time of the year very nice, warm and also suitable for all kind's of cycling trips.
We can also enjoy a nice cycleing without struggleing, for exmaple on the tour from Mali Lošinj to settlement Osor, which can be found at the beginning of island Cres.
Trip goes mostly by the sea and a little bit above the sea and it is in general full of beautiful sights on turquoise bays and blue sea This tour begins in a camp Čikat in the direction of coastal road towards Mali Lošinj.
Tourist settlement Čikat is in any case worth to examinate. Now we can cycle on narrow beach path, which is in the start in concreting form, but when we arrive to the bay of Mali Lošinj this path becomes a macedam path. From camp Čikat to Mali Lošinj is around 5 kilometers. In Mali Lošinj we can drive on the promenade by the coast and continue towards the main road for Osor. There is also a movable bridge which leads you over narrow canal. The bridge is opened two times per day, and it is the same as the bridge in Osor. Some hundred meters from the bridge we can find camp Poljana, from which we can admire a beautiful view, on the bay and the cape, those places that we allready drove from Čikat to Mali Lošinj. Mali Lošinj is the heart of the island of Lošinj in the Kvarner Gulf. The town's narrow streets, lined with beautiful old stone houses, wind their way up the gently sloping hillsides above the sheltered bay below. A seafaring town since the 19th century, Mali Lošinj offers maritime tradition and a mild island climate to make it an inviting place for rest and relaxation. The therapeutic qualities of the island climate have helped make Mali Lošinj and international resort renowned for its special healing powers.
The large number of bays, pebble and rock beaches and shoreline promenades, as well as the excellent cuisine and hospitable local people, are good reasons to spend your holiday on Lošinj. Even today, Mali Lošinj remains a town pulsating with life and rich in cultural events. Theatre performances, art exhibits and concerts spanning the range from classical to popular form only a small part of the cultural offer.
Sightseeing of Losinj Island
: The parish church of St. Anthony the Hermit, The Tower of Veli Lošinj, Apoxyomenos statue, The church of Our Lady of Angels, Podjavori forest park, Rovenska, The church of St. Nicolas, The church of St. John, Lošinj's Marine Education Centre.i Nerezine settlement For those who have more time, they can make a turn to lovely holidays settlement Artatore. If we are tired we can make a short rest or we can refresh ourselves in the sea. Up from here we are starting to lift up towards St. Jakov under Osorščica and then sweeping down to the settlement Nerezine.
From here we can also hike on the foot-trip towards almost 600 meters high pick Televrina (588m) and St. Mikula (558m). The settlement Nerezine was formed from house and little houses, which people raised up on tillable soil. During the time the settlement sweeped slowly towards seaside. Settlement Nerezine is very interesting place with lovely houses and blooming yards around the houses. On the coast we can see a harbour with bath area, so the place is also known by tourists.Ariving Osor There is not long to cycling from Nerezine to Osor. But there under Osorscica hill is often a disturbing wind, and because of that the trip can take a little bit longer. To the place Osor we arrieved over the movable bridge. The area looks on the outside a little bit deserted, but when we get in the inside of the settlement, it looks totally different. In here we can admire beautiful paving street and interesting local flowers on the streets. Osor is a very ancient and historical town on the crossrodas between sea and continental path Kavuada (Cavanella) is a canal, which divides island Cres and Lošinj. The presumption is that this canal already existed in times of Roman empire. With examination of the town we can conclude the first part of our trip, we just need to return back (25 km) by the same way.