Walking through the streets of charming Vejer
Temperatures in Vejer range between 14ºC and 20ºC (61ºF - 69ºF) from October to March with occasional showers in the winter, and range between 26ºC and 29ºC (79ºF - 88ºF) from April to September comfortable and dry in the summer.In the winter it doesn't get much colder than 15°C and in the day time it can easily reach 20°C or more. Between January and April you have to expect rain as well. Vejer de la Frontera has a typical Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters.
The warm climate means that Andalucíans love a cold beer as much as a glass of wine but the quintessential drink is sherry, produced in Jerez where the majority of the world’s biggest labels are based.
For sun lovers the region has always held strong appeal, although in the interior during high summer it can be hellishly hot and most city residents decamp to their nearest coastal resort every weekend and for most of August.
Cadiz Weather Forecast, Spain