Pictures of Naples - Italy

Pictures capture the very soul of its subject, preserving its memory forever and often evoking melancholic emotions of its viewer. Seasoned and even neophyte travelers would never go to a trip without carrying a camera with them. After all, who would not be eager to capture great moments that would help you reminisce in the future, or maybe share with friends your grand adventure in a foreign land.

Many people who have gone to Italy have many great pictures of Naples, Italy. The city is one of the largest and most modern regions in the country today. Tourist love to capture the unassuming and unpretentious aura of the city along its historical structures that can be found all over the city. One of the most photographed sites is the Bay of Naples with its sweeping coastline a rare site to behold. The Island of Capri is also a very popular tourist destination found at the foot of the Bay of Naples.

Pictures of Naples, Italy would really depict the lifestyle and personalities of its inhabitants. Not a city to settle for pretensions, it doesn’t bother to hide its good and bad angles. Pictures of Naples, Italy would show you the grandest monuments, basilicas and museums that date back several centuries ago. It would also show you its filthy streets, congested and polluted areas, and crime-laden environment. The city has an alarming crime rate and is known to be the den of some of the most notorious Italian mafias.

They say pictures wouldn’t lie, and this proves to be certainly true of the city of Naples. Many of the photographs available in the web today would give you a very clear idea on the life in the city. The blending of the old world and modern architecture allures, the melding of historical structures and the grimy street slums are all part of Naples. Some claim that the dismal atmosphere and crowded surroundings are a huge element of its charm that continues to draw tourists every year. Well, opinions would vary from one person to another but suffice it to say that pictures of Naples, Italy is a mirror image of its stark reality and not some glossed over reflection that you usually find in travel magazines.

So if ever you decide to visit Italy, do try to drop by the city of Naples and see for yourself the true situation of the region. It is certainly more remarking to look behind the pictures and listen to story it tells you as it unfolds right before your very eyes.