Where is Mount Mala Mojstrovka
The origin of the ascent to Mt. Mala Mojstrovka is Vrsic pass (1611m) The pass is reachable by car or buss from Kranjska gora or Trenta valley Mt. Vršič (1721m) is actually a summit in form of small head between Mt. Mojstrovka and Mt. Prisojnik ( 2547m). The locals wich went from Soča valley to Sava valley adopt summit name to pass name. Over pass Vršič people from old times went from Trenta valley to Kranjska gora and carryed their own miserable produce to exchange for necessarily requisites.In the first world war thousants of russian prisoners of war constructed road that improved war interests. Many of prisoners find out death because tired. In remembrance of their stands an unusual monument from the times of World War I. The Russian Chapel was erected in memory of the suffering of thousands and the death of several hundred Russian prisoners. Next to it is a small cemetery. The bodies of the dead Russians are mainly buried in the tomb to the left of the chapel. (by car 20 minutes from Kranjska gora).
Climb up over Ferrata or walk over south slopes?
At first, check the weather . Mala Mojstrovka show us two faces. From south leads the path trough gentle slopes with widely extended scree and from north expect us picturesque ferrata. You can combine path and climb up over ferrata but descend over south slopes. You will make perfect trip for hikers who likes a bit of adrenalin and recreation. On the other side, the walkers who have not climbing ambition it is recommend short hike from Vršič pass to Mt. Sleme (60 min) .
Both paths, ferrata to the summit of Mt. Mala Mojstrovka and hiking path to Mt. Sleme begins on the east side below pass Vršič. Try to find path between pine underbrush in direction of Mt. Sleme (1911m). Mt. Sleme is actualy an unexpressive summit on the nord side of Mt. Mala Mojstrovka. The mountain is especialy beacause its summits jut out to the north and offer great view to wilde prism of the wall of Mt. Jalovec. The path leads easy between pine bushes and it is also suitable for less experienced hikers. There is no hut, but you can seat and enjoy peacefull and great view to the Mt. Jalovec, Mt. Mangart north wall of Mt. Mojstrovaka and to Ponce ridge on the south.
Ferrata Hanzova to Mt. Mala Mojstrovka
The entry of ferrata to Mt . Mala Mojstrovka begins oposite of Mt. Sleme with steep oblique ledge under powerful and smooth overhangs. The routh lead beside of steel ropes and offers pleasure in easy but exposed climbing. At the end of ledge await the airy horisontal passage over respectful precipice. Of course the passage is insured with steel rope and clamps, but here is the point where the hikers and climbers with suffering from vertigo must return. From here the routh follow over smooth rock wall up to the rubly ledge. Ahead of us is waiting realy heavy passage. We have to climb up some almost vertical threshold. The clamps and steel rope follow in uninterrupted string over tresholds and ledges so we must use the power of arms to pull up. When the sheer slopes have reduced then we crossing the wall first to the left and then again far away to the right over picturesque ledge where the wall fall down directly to the ground. Incline of the wall have reduce and we can easly reach the shoulder of Mala Mojstrovka. From here to summit leads path over broken wall (20 min).
Descent from Mt Mala Mojstrovka to pass of Vrsic
Descent: Over south slopes of Mojstrovka and through notch in Grebenc we descent to the pass Vršič in one houre. Time: Vršič - entrance of the wall 45 min; ferrata - summit of Mala Mojstrovka: 1h 45 min Difficulty: The routh over North wall of Mojstrovka is not appropriate for beginers and dizzy hikers but mountainers with experience will be enjoy in climbing over airy and boldness leading routh over the wall. Season: Summer, Elevation: 2332 m