Enjoying mediterranean climate in Portorose
One of the main motives for visiting Portorose resort is for sure littoral climate which asure pleasant stay till latest autumn's days.
Harmony of natural and social environment with tourist's offer in hotels, apartments, restaurants of whole littoral area around Portorose asure that you enjoy into visit of hilly surrouding country. Of course walk close the sea, near hotel's parks and through promenade in centre of Portorose should be pleasant event.
To the Portorose beach
With its sub Mediterranean climate, Portoroz belongs to the warmest parts of Slovenia. Mild winters and not too warm summer are pleasant for staying in this area at any time.
Portorose beach is actual the bigest baths in Slovenia. In high season the baths could be filled up by to more than 3000 bathers. Baths area are divided to sanded part and grassy part of beach. and has benn open between 01.06 and 15.09. . The beach is clean, settledis and secured also.
Portorose is a famous littoral and tourist resort in Slovenia. It lies on the north side of Adritaic sea close to the Croatia border. Most people visit the resort by car, but one can lands with smaller airplane to the nearby small airport. The town of Piran is mainly focused on Tartini Square, known as Tartinijev trg, named after the most well known Piran's violinist and composer, Guiseppe Tartini.