The coastline of Sicily measures
some thousand kilometres and offers great variety of wide sandy beaches, remote tiny beaches, sheer cliffs, famous resorts, an atmosphere of ancient civilizations and the survival of centuries old traditions.
Eracle Minoa coast and white cliffs of Capo Bianco
Almost all what i listed before we become aware through Sicily holidays in Eraclea Minoa. This secret place - Eraclea Minoa is 30 km faraway from Agrigento, near Capo Bianco hill. The area of Platani and Capo Bianco rivers stretches on a rocky promontory, once home to greek colonies. Territory around Heraclea Minoa is also an interesting archaeological park with beautiful long beaches. The wooded area is inhabited by foxes, weasels and duck-hawks.

From Agrigento to the coast of Eraclea Minoa
From main road Agrigento - Sciacca turn to the left in direction of coast and camp Eraclea Minoa - 5 km.
Westward up the coast you can see the ruins of Eraclea Minoa and white cliff of Capo Bianco. Camps are situated under white cliff in sparse pine forrest near sea. Perfect place for your picnic out on a carpet of fine sand. Near camp is a small shop with excellent bread from the local bakery.
Morning is the best time for your trip on holidays. Capo Bianco is within easy reach in a half an hour by foot close the beach in the northwest direction.
The ascent to the top of cliff is easy.There is beautiful view to the sea and place for enjoy peacefull. The teritory belongs to the Nature Orientated Reserve of Torre Salsa. This is an uncontaminated territory with cliffs of gypsum intervene with limestone marl which are covered with layers of clay. The sea is crystal clear while its shallow waters are blooming with typical flora and fauna. The ancient watch-tower of Torre Salsa is situated in the very heart of the Reserve and dominates the top of a promontoryl. Next place worth visiting are ancient ruins with great theatre. See also description bellow. After straining exploration sourroudnes of Eraclea Minoa it is finally time to cool off in the sea.
Trip to the ruins of Eraclea Minoa
After cooling off, you can head for the ruins at Eraclea Minoa. The site is famed in part for its spectacular beach, shown left, but primarily for its Greek theatre, shown centre. The adjacent ruins were, however, quite interesting and visitors appear to be allowed into the excavations, where one can get a real feel for life in those times.
A couple of things struck us. Internal walls seem mostly to be of rendered mud, which means they must be protected once excavated. The walls were built with mud bricks and a white cement. Several of the floors had been mosaic covered..
Heraclea Minoa history
A 6th century Greek city, most likely named after King Minos of Crete, thrived here at the mouth of the Platina River. Several prehistoric sites were located, as well as a hitherto unrecorded Greek necropolis, probably of late Archaic or early Classical date. It appears that is was only in the Hellenistic period that farms were settled in the countryside and suburban sites grew up below the city defenses.
A large late Roman villa and attendant burial ground were also studied as well as medieval and post-medieval material. This survey work has thus begun to clarify both the relationship of the Greek city with its hinterland and the changes in settlement pattern that took place after Heraclea Minoa was abandoned