Maps are indispensable accessories on the road. The question "where is my beach" or "or how to get to the beach" arises sooner or later. If someone wants to visit places that are a little off-site accommodation place then they can use the map.
Take a road map and explore Sardinia
The network of roads is in Sardinia pretty well regulated, so the journey is from one place to another easily. The main road traffic running from Olbia via Oristano and reach the south of island in Cagliari. Other roads are quite rural, and in mountainous areas very twisted with slow traffic. Most of countyrside is a mountainous plateau. Terrain around Nuoro belongs to the most hilly landscape. There are also positioned the highest peaks of Sardinia. On the highest point Punta La Marmora, (rises 6,017 ft. 1,834m) could be skiing in winter time. The mountainous terrain is drained by many rivers and streams.
Tourist and road maps of Sardinia

Tourism in Sardinia
Everyone can explore Sardinia by having a resting and relaxing holiday or being more active, playing golf, tennis, sailing, windsurfing, swimming, underwater diving, rock climbing, boating, trekking, jogging, or horse riding.
Those who avoids active holiday, can enjoy discovering new bays and beaches with each time new color of the sea. Both groups of visitors in their activities need the maps containing information, and we all know that the picture someone offered a lot more information than words, so maps are always a useful thing.