The best way to reach Fordongianus is from Oristano. Fordongianus, a small town on the river Tirso situated 26 km from Oristano is the descendant of the Roman town of Forum Traiani. It is very interesting while houses are built with pink trachytes stone blocks.
Pinky buildings of Fordongianus

Walk to the Roman baths of Fordongianus
In a short walk, through the narrow streets you can enjoy discovering interesting stone sculptures. After few minutes of walk towards the river you can reach the ancient therme.
The Roman baths are on the left side of river. There are pools and springs of hot and cold water. You can continue walk in an romantic area along the bank of the Tirso river.
Ancient and new age Spa resort
Originaly was the place named by mineral springs (Aquae Hypsitanae). The name replaced by Fordongianus in the 1st century . A spa complex in ruin, which are dating from the imperial age, features a first building used for treatments and a second building construction was used for seaside pleasures.
On the right side of river Tirso today stay the moderen spa complex. The sprig water is between 40°C and 60°C / 122°F, with a content of sodium chloride and fluoride. It is used to rheumatism cure.