The Losa nuraghe is situated on the large tableland near Abbasanta town. It stands in a short distance from exit of national road S.S. 131. The site can be reached easily at the junction of Nuoro on the SS131 Carlo Felice near Abbasanta.
Arrive nuraghe Losa
A short and narrow road leads to the entrance gate to the archaeological area. From Oristano
Sardinia - nuraghe Losa
The Losa archeological complex (near Abbasanta) is enclosed within a large rampart with incorporated towers providing access and secondary entrances. Inside there is the village dating back to prehistoric and historic times, and the trilobate nuraghe originaly surrounded by a curtain wall with towers, of which today we can see only a short section with two towers.
Facing the main entrance to the nuraghe are the remains of the hut tower. Outside the south western wall is the cemetary dating from historical times where the ashes of the dead were placed. The overall complex shows a continuous human presence from the Middle Bronze Age to the Second Iron Age and intense reuse in the historical period from the second half of the 4th century BC to the 7th century AD.
After visiting the small portion of the cemetary and the cinerary urns on display in the open, continue along the rampart until you come to the entrance to the archeological area through tower. Visit the prehistoric and historic village, the first exhibit room and then you come to the circular hut tower and the nuraghe.Necropolis of cremated
The necropolis of the cremated lies to the south west of the rampart surrounding the nuragic complex. It contains graves dug into outcropping rock or on basalt cippi. Destined for single burial, both types display small quadrangular urns dug out of the rock, originally with stone covers, to contain the ashes of the dead and ritual offerings.
The cipus urns, which were found scattered over the archeological area and which are here brought together for display, were dug into cippi having the form of parallelepipeds or truncated šyramids. The surface was worked with a hammer except for the base, which was to be buried in the earth. The funerary context dates back to the Roman Empire (1st, 2nd centuries AD).
The trilobate bastion of nuraghe Losa
The trilobate bastion still stands to a height of about thirteen metres. Its plan is triangular, with vertices rounded in correspondence of the three towers, each of which containing a room with a corbelled roof.
Two curving coridors branching off from the main coridor to the left and to the right, lead to the main chambers in towers. The chamber in first tower is circular with a four metre diameter, in another tower is oval, measuring 4 by 5 metres and in the third tower has an independent entrance above ground level and, on the inside, a steep hairpin staircase leads to the uper floor where there is a small room with a vaulted ceiling.
The wall face displays sub squared stones of basalt laid in elegant rows on a foundation of huge roughewn polyhedral blocks.