What comes in your mind when you think of a perfect holiday- crystal-clear waters, sandy beaches and virgin place outside the cumbersome cities? Then staying at one of the many villas in Sardinia will be the ideal place for your much desired holiday.
Holidays in Villas of Sardinia
To offer you the best possible vacation experience, these villas in Sardinia are located outside the cities in a planned way so that they remain unspoilt by the regular tourists and the serenity of the place remains intact for you.
Where is Sardinia
Geographically, Sardinia is a large island located in the Tyrrhenian Sea and is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Sardinia, as a part of Italy, historically, has always got attention of the tourists. The beauty of the white sand beaches, amazing sites of the sunrise and sunset, and the 'yet-to-be' discovered beauty of the forest life have created huge sensation among the nature lover tourists for many years. The villas in Sardinia have in recent days have created this same kind of sensation worldwide. These villas have captured the true beauty of Sardinia. From beach villas to bustling night clubs and from farmhouse to the famous boutiques of the Costa Smeralda- the villas in Sardinia offer you everything you look for and promise to make your vacation unforgettable for the rest of your life. Their sincere commitment to gift you with the best vacation on earth has made them select all the best villas in Sardinia.
How to reach Sardinia
The Sardinia Island is easily reachable from the Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero airports. From UK, many low cost airlines are also available. But to make your trip better and more adventurous one, you can try the boats from Genoa, Savona, La Spezia, Livorno. A small trip- and the world's best beaches will surround you and will make you forget the world outside.
Types of Villas in Sardinia
To make your vacation a special one, much time usually is devoted in knowing even the minute details of the villas before selecting a one. The villas in Sardinia can offer you the best view of the tranquil beaches, astonishing coastlines and give you the chance to cherish the magnificent mountain ranges with unexplored wildlife. The budget is not a constraint here as the villas range from luxury to regular. But the experience in each of the Sardinia villa is one of a kind. The spa, tennis court, swimming pool and gardens of the Sardinia villas also promise you to gift a vacation you had never before.
About the Author:Copyright by Sarena Harvey © 2009, All Rights Reserved. www.thesardiniavillacollection.com is a site of the Sardinia Villas in Sardinia, Italy. Owned by Ms. Sarena Harvey, these villas in Sardinia promise you to make your trip unforgettable.