Amalfi coast
Amazing scenes of rocky mountains, picturesque village full terraces with fragran gardens and lemons, which descent right down to the blue sea.
The coast is only fifty kilometers long, but the road is incredibly narrow and twisting and has over 1000 turns
Walk along the streets of Positano
After the first few hundred curve, here is the first station - Positano, once a small fishing village and today converted into a tourist resort. Anyway, the town's position is really awesome it is spread out over one of the slopes of Mount Comune above the Mediteranean sea. Narrow streets are almost vertical, in fact, they are not even the street, but steep stairs, until the coast where ones find the church on the beach. We left the car above the village, so we are well tired because of walk to the beach. In the centre of Positano town, we ascertain that a small local bus rides to the top of the mountain, hamlet Noce. Before us pointed the pictursque view to the small town of Positano and the whole bay below. There was no one else clouds, houses, gardens and lizards on hot rocks. Through a few streets, we reached the small square with the church and met a few locals. There was also an road sign where stands that from here to Positano ascend 1700 steps, so that it can walk!
The spirit of historical town of Positano
Positano town populate about 5,000 people. The town it self radiate a special atmosphere of the onetime government.When from the main square shine the church of St. Andrew bulided in Sicilian-Arabic style, and when you walk through the unusual white streets which connecting the squares and streets , it really seems that this strange place was once really important place.
In fact, somewhere in the X and XI century, this entire coast of Amalfi was full of goods and spices from the east, which brought in big ships of powerful Amalfi Republic. One of the ports was foregoing and Positano, which was after the collapse of the republic became a small fishing village