Lake Bled resort
Bled is a great resort town. It wraps around the beautiful Lake Bled, used by boaters, bathers, walkers in the summer and with skaters in the winter. Above Lake Bled on steep cliff standing Bled Castle. Enjoy the majestic backdrop formed by the jaggedsummits of the Julian Alps, including Triglav, the country’s highest mountain. Though the landscapes are awe-inspiring, our walks are relaxed and accessible to all of average fitness, with some delightful routes linking old villages where you will see traditional hayracks and colourful beehives and a pace of life that has hardly changed for centuries.
With cycle round lake
Take your cycle or borrow cycle in Bled town and make an easy bike trip around Lake Bled and surrounding villages. You will see local farmers at work, old village houses and of course Bled castle and island from many perspectives.
The trip is very suitable for families with small children, child seat is available.
Duration 1 -2 houres
For trained biker with more expirience we recomended trip to Pokljuka plateaus (aprox 1600m above sea level), Mežaklja plateu (1200m above sea level)
Trip to Radovna valley
You can start your trip at Bled town and continue through the beautiful Radovna valley in direction Mojstrana town.
From there You have excellent view to the alpine valley Vrata. There is a beautiful Peričnik waterfall (52m), and astonishing view to the north cliff of Triglav. If you wish can make a stop at the Psnak farm for a snack at the end of activity. Duration 4-5 houres
Places in surrounding of Lake Bled
Bled is also a great orign for hiking to nearby hills and mountains. One of easy trip is walk from Bled – Kupljenik to Bohinjska Bela and return to Lake Bled.
From the midlle of Bled town we can go to the south. The local road lead us under east side of slopes Straža and Dobra gora. The village Selo we reach in a half an houre. The path comtinue to the river Sava Bohinjka. On all crossroads we follow the walk number 11. After the bridge we turn right on the cart track (macadam) that wery quick and step going up. We reach picturesque villige Kupljenik on the slope of Jelovica in one houre and half. The rock loneliness Babji zob ( Hag tooth) is like a scenary above viliage.
Walking through forest to the small villages
There is also a path that lead in direction Jama cave under Babji zob. We continue the trip follow local road to Bohinjska Bela direction, cross again river Sava Bohinjka and go up to the railway underpass. From Bohinjska Bela village we follow the sign with walk number 5, ascend thrue the wood until Megre pass and then continue down in direction Velika Zaka village. From village Kupljenik to the Velika Zaka one and a half houre. At the end we finished trip with walk around lake.
Duartion: 3-4 houre
The recipe for traditional Bled Slovenia cream cake sweet:
Custard pastry »Kremne rezine« creme slices
At first we must defrost two slices of thin flaty dough-we can buy in a store allready made dough, we bake this two slices of dough. One slice of dough we live as it is, another slice we cut as we like in optional sizes of custard pastry-this comes on the top of custard pastry! Dough becomes better when we put it on the other side of the flat surface for bake, and then we covered the rest of dough with the other surface for bake. With this technique we stop reducing, and making bubbles on dough.
In high bake vessel 34cm x 24cm, we put the whole plate of baked dough. Then we put gelatin in some water, to strained the gelatin. We whip 1 liter cream, to get solid cream. Boil up some milk, now we remove the milk, put in gelatin and stir it so the gelatin can melt.Now pretty fast we must coll down the milk, in this milk we allready mixed the gelly (we put the vessel in a trough wiht a cold water).
In a big vessel we whip some yolkes, then we put in some sugar and vanilla sugar now we mix all the ingridients so long till increase. In this mass we put through tiny strainer milk with melted gelly, and stir it very good. Then we add 1 liter whipped cream, with a plastic shovel we all together mix it up, and now this new cream we pour into bake vassel, in wich we allready put a plate baked flaly dough. We wait a minute, so the mass can coll down and thick it up (we can covered it up with some aluminium foil, and put it in a fridge for a half an hour). Now we whiped up half of liter of cream and smear cream, wich in that time is allready colled it up. We covered up the cream with slices of flaty dough. Before we serve, we must cut this custard pastry in a symetrical squared pieces. The last step to decorate this desert is to powder it with some castor sugar. Now we can serve this very delicious and unique sweet.